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The Hidden Workforce

A show about the positive impact people with different abilities bring to the workforce.

Our Story

“In April 2021 I created a radio show that features interviews with individuals who have been helping the developmentally disabled, and with members of the disabled community who have succeeded in different areas of life. It is called The Hidden Workforce.

I started the show when I was in the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, where I was part of a Chamber referral and networking group that met regularly.

The inspiration for my show began when Darryl Baskins called me one day and asked if I would like to be interviewed for his radio show.

Of course, I said yes right away!!

I believe we are making a difference by airing their stories and successes on The Hidden Workforce.

It is as if this radio show is the culmination of my early dream of dedicating myself to my life mission of helping the developmentally disabled lives better lives, which includes finding work that makes them happy!”

From Lisa’s book The Secrets of The Hidden Workforce.

The Hidden Workforce-Teddy

Teddy, The Hidden Workforce's mascot

Lisa and Maggie THW

Lisa & Maggie

It’s book signing day at Barns & Nobles.

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